. . . have all the honest people gone, oh where or where can they be?
and why couldn't they have been the ones that we loaned a crap'ola load of money to and extended our good name and credit to, to start up a trucking company, instead of the dishonest, unethical, not hard-working, slimey, no good, co-dependent users that we did loan the money too!?!?
(Note - we did not know ANYTHING about the true character of these people at the time we loaned the money or extended ourselves financially to help - otherwise I would not be writing this post)
It's a loan people - which implies that at some future point in time you will pay it back!!
and you don't just get to one day decide you no longer want to be in the trucking business, while you still have debts and payment to make on said trucking business. Sorry that it 's so inconvenient for you to get up and go to work and actually earn a living to support your family and meet your financial obligations.
Bad times, folks, seriously - bad times!
(for your reading benefit I have removed all swear words and derogitory remarks that have been directed to above said couple, as I have decided that it does no good to think this way or speak this way and they couldn't care in the slightest.)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Where Oh Where . . .
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Watch out Project Runway
You have your next candidate ready and waiting. That is if you are willing to let a 2 year old onto your show and allow her to upstage everyone there.
Every morning she tells me what she will and will not wear. This morning was the edict to wear shorts, not pants and her shirt had to be pink with flowers on it.
I feel I should also apologize to the little boy who went into Walmart Neighborhood Market without a shirt on (in his defense, he was sunburned, so I get it) but K saw him and literally followed him around the produce section saying " your naked" "where's your shirt" " YOUR NAKED" causing the little boy to cower behind his mothers legs. She was merciless in her pursuit of what she thought was a breach in proper fashion.
Dear Aruba
Thank you for rocking as much as you did. You were an awesome place to visit. I can't wait to see if my snorkel pictures with the underwater camera turned out.
Thank you for providing the rest and relaxation that both A and I desperately needed.
Thank you natural pool for proving the most beautiful snorkel place on the entire island, even if getting to you required getting bounced and thrown around the back of a jeep (compact cars need not even try) and fearing for our life on a couple down slopping turns. You were totally worth the trip (pictures to come later).
Thank you Jolly Pirates for providing such a fun snorkel excursion on a true to life pirate ship (where I only got mildly sun burned - yahoo!) Next time I promise to try the rope swing and A won't loose his sunglasses over the side of the boat.
Thank you Moomba, Pelican Pier, Tomato Charlies and Hadicuari for providing such fresh and delicious food at pretty reasonable prices. Oh and thank you Champions for having the best nachos and Appetizer platter with wings rings, fries and skins to feed 4 very hungry people after a long hard day relaxing in the sun and floating around the lazy river. It was tough work, but someone had to do it!!
Next years trip has already been booked - Fiji - June 2009 - want to come along?
Friday, June 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby!
You can into this world so tiny and small and yet you had so much spunk and life about you. You were a fighter and one who knew exactly what she wanted to do. You took your dad and I by the heart with your tiny little fingers and have yet to let go. . . and I hope you never do.
You are growing into one of the most beautiful girls (I am going to have to beat the boys off you with a stick) but more importantly one of the biggest sweethearts. I love how you take your sister by the hand and show her everything this world has to offer (even the things I sometimes wish you wouldn't) but either way, you are a great big sister and K is lucky to have you looking out for her. I am sure it will be many years before she truly appreciates you and all that you have to
I love your hugs and kisses and the way you always look to make sure mom and dad are there watching you. We will always be there for you as you go through this life, exploring, learning, growing and challenging those around you. I am so glad to play a part in your life and I will always love you! Ditto for your Dad!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Dear . . .
Dear Perspective,
I will be needing you more often then I realize or have ever needed you in the past, so please make sure you hang around me as often as you can.
Dear Patience,
Please see above comment and stick close by as well. Thanks in advance.
Dear People who don't keep their promises or honor their financial obligations,
YOU SUCK!! and you are stressing me and my husband out more than we really need right now. So man/woman up and start paying off your debt. We are not a bank nor are we your personal line of credit.
Dear Stress Related Weight Gain,
Your presence is no longer required. You were never invited in the first place and it's time that you leave and take the weight you brought with you. I have a bathing suit to look smoking hot in in just 6 days. If you like, you can send your Cousin "Stress Related Weight Loss" in your place. He/She is welcome to stay as long as He/She likes as long as the pounds keep coming OFF.
Dear Summer Camp,
Thank you for promising to keep my oldest child entertained with arts and crafts and activities along with all her friends for 4 days a week, for 3 hours a day, for 6 weeks total - all for the bargain price of $30. You are well worth the money being spent. My only complaint - I wish you took 2 year olds who are not yet (nor soon to be) potty trained.
Dear Aruba,
Thank you for waiting so patiently. We look forward to experiencing all that you have to offer. We will be there on Sunday!
Dear Nana & UT Gma,
Thanks for watching the girls for us to make the above trip possible. A and I owe you both big time!!
Dear A & K,
Thanks for putting up with your mom and dad through all of the emotions of the last week or two. We love you both more than you will ever know. Thanks for your hugs and kisses and helping us keep things in balance. Your giggles and laughter are more precious than gold. You make our life fun!